2 inspired lecturers on their experience with the CCO course

A behind-the-scenes look by Coby-Wilma and Sebastiaan 

In our 3-part series ‘What are the experiences with the Certified Compliance Officer (CCO) course,’ industry peers share their impressions. All interviewees took part in the incompany training program offered to Rabobank employees. In this article (part 3), our resident professors, Coby-Wilma van Essen and Sebastiaan Huijbregts, share their experiences and insights. Both see themselves primarily as facilitators. Below, it quickly becomes clear why that term fits perfectly. 

Joint kick-off and conclusion with a festive element 

‘On the first day of class, we host a kick-off together, which is efficient and pleasant for the students,’ says Coby-Wilma. ‘We immediately introduce the Chatham rules. We always follow these to create an environment where you can have safe open discussions. We also end the last session together. By this point the group has worked hard for a year and, considering the full commitment this requires, we like to bring some cake. That's how we celebrate that everyone is on the verge of getting their diploma. They don't have it yet, of course, but they should be able to pass the final assessment.’ 

Thoughtful division of roles forms a solid foundation 

The CCO course consists of 13 sessions. Who teaches which classes has been carefully considered. Basically, Coby-Wilma focuses on the technical knowledge, while Sebastiaan covers the lessons on competencies and skills, such as integrity, soft controls, and train-the-trainer. This allows both instructors to fully utilize their strengths. ‘We are flexible in this and sometimes switch roles if it works better. For example, last week I taught one of Coby-Wilma's knowledge classes,’ says Sebastiaan. ‘It's fun and it goes well.’ 

Contributions from guest lecturers add value 

‘We occasionally work with guest lecturers like Alexander Hindriks and Muel Kaptein,’ continues Coby-Wilma. ‘Alexander is one of the permanent lecturers in the open line and has been working at Rabobank as a compliance officer for years. He has introduced us to specific topics, and we’re very grateful for that. Muel provides a guest lecture on soft controls. That is also very valuable because many financial institutions use his methods.’ 

Engaging from the first moment to the last second 

Both Coby-Wilma and Sebastiaan have an impressive toolkit of teaching techniques. A lesson is only successful for them if the group goes home full of energy. ‘The knowledge part mainly consists of dry material. With energizers like videos, quizzes, and assignments, we engage with the material in an interesting way,’ explains Sebastiaan. ‘That's how we bring the material to life. For example, I use a video about the Costa Concordia disaster in the lesson about risk to give students a clear real-world case’ clarifies Coby-Wilma. 

Interactive formats prevail 

‘Our motto is to let people do things themselves. So, we ensure that the students are actively engaged,’ Sebastiaan continues. ‘That's why Coby-Wilma often has them do presentations. And we use a lot of case studies, peer coaching, mood boards, and group assignments. In the lessons where skills are central, I can go even further. One of my favorite formats is the train-the-trainer assignment where students organize a lesson themselves. The assignment on moral dilemmas using a model is also very interesting and intense. Everyone contributes their input, and then we discuss it together.’ 

Ethics as a common thread 

Everything hinges on ethics. It runs through everything. ‘Every decision you make as a compliance officer must be an ethical one. That's how you navigate between laws and regulations, organizational culture, and, for example, colleagues' backgrounds. There are often several legal and acceptable solutions. You then choose the best one,’ explains Sebastiaan. ‘You have the law, but also the spirit of the law. We are constantly translating that during this curriculum,’ adds Coby-Wilma. 

Implementing learning objectives into practice 

‘The learning objectives are fixed. We have to meet them. That's why we cover all aspects of the profession, but we start with the basics. So, suppose your employer doesn't have a compliance function yet. What is the first thing you need to arrange? From there, we build and work on, among other things, a compliance charter, annual plan, and monitoring plan,’ explains Coby-Wilma. ‘Ultimately, as a compliance officer, you want your advice to be followed. How you position yourself plays a crucial role. That's why we pay a lot of attention to learning persuasion, showing courage, assertiveness, and daring to take ownership,’ adds Sebastiaan. 

Ample attention to how it works within the Rabobank organization 

‘In essence, we run the same program in this incompany course as in the regular CCO public course. So, it's not lighter or heavier. But we constantly bridge the gap to how it works internally at Rabobank. We can do this because Coby-Wilma and I are both actively involved in compliance assignments within Rabobank,’ explains Sebastiaan. ‘The Financial Supervision Act and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Act are principle-based. This means that the purpose of the legislation is known, but how the financial institution must achieve the goal is left open. This sometimes leads to very interesting discussions,’ notes Coby-Wilma. 

The CCO course is not a walk in the park 

‘It's a recognized course at the post-bachelor's level which means it won’t be simple. Time and focus are the biggest challenges for most participants. We talk to the students regularly about this. If you haven't been in the classroom for the last 10 years, you're building your career now, and you also have to keep things running at home, then the workload can be challenging. But if you approach it smartly, it's definitely doable,’ says Coby-Wilma. 

These 5 practical tips from Coby-Wilma and Sebastiaan make the difference 

  1. Do not underestimate the course. If you're starting, be convinced that this is what you want and act accordingly. 
  2. Make agreements with your family and your employer. Ensure that you can study at fixed times in a quiet place. 
  3. Always come prepared to class so you can actively participate. 
  4. Study the corresponding module assignment at the beginning of each module. Make sure you know exactly what is expected of you and get started early so it doesn't surprise you at the last moment. 
  5. Make sure to approach us if you’re struggling or need some additional information or clarification. 

Interested in more testimonials about the CCO course? 

This is the final article of our 3-part series about the CCO course at Rabobank. Want to read more? Part 1 features Compliance Operating Officer Lusine Shahmuradyan sharing her experiences. In part 2, former students José Oord and Dewi Mohan look back on their experiences following the course. Both passed the exam summer 2023. 

View the CCO course or other relevant compliance courses 

Below is an overview of our most popular compliance courses. 

New: English-language compliance courses 

View all English-language courses

Interested in personal study advice? 

One of our student advisors will be happy to assist you. Call us on 035 – 7 506 155 or send a WhatsApp message (06 - 82 65 86 44). 

Contact regarding incompany options 

Are you responsible for Learning & Development and want to know what our incompany solutions can mean for your colleagues? You can reach our account managers on 035 – 7 506 157 or incompany@nibesvv.nl

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Op Maandag, 15 April, 2024, 16:23

2 inspired lecturers on their experience with the CCO course

In our 3-part series ‘What are the experiences with the Certified Compliance Officer (CCO) course,’ industry peers share their impressions. All interviewees took part in the incompany training program offered to Rabobank employees. In this article (part 3), our resident professors, Coby-Wilma van Essen and Sebastiaan Huijbregts, share their experiences and insights. Both see themselves primarily as facilitators. Below, it quickly becomes clear why that term fits perfectly. 
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