NIBE-SVV: Widely recognized

NIBE-SVV has served as the educational institute for the Dutch banking, insurance and investment sector for over 40 years. Widely recognized in the Dutch financial industry as well as abroad NIBE-SVV contributes to a stable economy and prosperity, annually providing 50,000 financial professionals with education programmes, both open enrolment as well as customised programmes, exams, seminars, conferences and publications. 

Ensuring high professionalism

NIBE-SVV was founded by the Dutch Association of Banks (NVB) and the Dutch Association of Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars) with the mission of ensuring a high level of professionalism within the Dutch financial services sector. Thanks to an extensive network, all products of NIBE-SVV are developed by and in collaboration with professionals and specialists with broad experience in the financial services sector.


Business partners include all major players in the Dutch financial services industry, including Rabobank, ING, ABN AMRO, Delta Lloyd, SNS Reaal, Marsh, Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and the Dutch Ministry of Finance. 

Contact information

On a selective basis, NIBE-SVV will continue to be internationally active assisting local financial educational institutes with educational advice, capacity development, accreditation and specialized training programs. Please contact us or one of our international partners for more information.


NIBE-SVV is a (founding) member of EBTN - The European Banking & Financial Services Training Association. EBTN is the united voice of providers of vocational education and training in the financial industry and an international network of leading banking institutes. More information:

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